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Pizza & Prayer is an outreach headed up by our friend Don!

He has been doing this minstry for over (12) years.  He takes pizza to the streets while praying and sharing the hope of Chirst with those in need.  This is outstanding because it is a relational ministy. Becuase of Dons consistancy and follow through, he has been able to establish relationships with those in the area. Praise God. 

Recently, the outreach has been met with a bit of resistance from city leaders. Please keep Don and his team in your prayers. 

If you'd like to participate in this outreach, they meet most Fridays at 2pm at the address listed. OR AT THE BABYLON PARKING LOT. This is an informal outreach exercising a "front line" practice. To Christ be the glory! 

Hope to see you soon! 

- RB Team & Our Friend Don